Amherst College |
Geology & Natural History Museum
College of William & Mary |
Integrated Science Center - Phase 3
Davidson College |
New Academic Building
Duke University |
Wilkinson Building - Pratt School of Engineering
Eastern Mennonite University |
Suter Science Center
Endicott College |
Life Science & Business Building
Georgetown University |
Regents Hall Science Center
Harvard University |
Nocera Lab
High Point University |
School of Health Sciences & Pharmacy
High Point University |
Undergraduate Science Building
Howard Community College |
Science, Engineering & Technology Building
Johnson C. Smith University |
New Science Center
Middlesex Community College |
Talbot Building 5th Floor Renovation
Montgomery College |
Germantown Campus
Northeastern University |
Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Complex
Simmons University |
Lefavour Hall & MCB Renovation
Southern Maine Community College |
Learning Commons
Springfield College |
School Hall Science Center
Suffolk University |
20 Somerset Street
Tufts University |
Science & Engineering Complex
UMass Boston |
University Hall
UMass Lowell |
UMass Medical School |
Albert Sherman Center
University of Hartford |
ISET Complex
University of North Carolina |
Kenan Lab Renovations
University of Rhode Island |
Center for Chemical & Forensic Sciences
University of Rhode Island |
Life Science Building
University of Vermont |
James M. Jeffords Hall
Virginia Tech |
Building 1600 Swing Space
Wentworth Institute of Technology |
Center for Engineering, Innovation and Sciences
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
PracticePoint & Photonics