Alexandria (AREE) |
Science Hotel
Alkermes |
900 Winter Street
Amherst College |
Geology & Natural History Museum
Ariad Pharmaceuticals |
Binney Street
Center for Life Science Building
Boston Medical Center |
Clinical Lab
Boston University |
Center for Integrated Life Science & Engineering
Broad Institute |
Bent Street
Broad Institute |
Binney Street
Brown University |
Biomed Labs
BU |
Life Science and Engineering Building
Building for Transformative Medicine,
Brigham and Women's Hospital at 60 Fenwood
Cabot Corporation |
Pilot Plant
Chemours |
Discovery Hub
College of William & Mary |
Integrated Science Center - Phase 3
CoNCERT Pharmaceuticals |
C Building
Cytyc Corporation |
Corporate Headquarters
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute |
Longwood Center
Davidson College |
New Academic Building
Delix Lab and Office Fitout |
36 Crosby Drive
Dexter School |
Clay Science Center
Duke University |
Wilkinson Building - Pratt School of Engineering
EMD Serono |
Project Unity
Endicott College |
Life Science & Business Building
Exact Sciences |
Research Lab
Genzyme |
Biologics Support Center
George Mason University |
Biomedical Research Labs
Georgetown University |
Regents Hall Science Center
Hagerstown Community College |
Technology Innovation Center
Harvard University |
New Research Building
High Point University |
School of Health Sciences & Pharmacy
High Point University |
Undergraduate Science Building
Howard Community College |
Science, Engineering & Technology Building
Ipsen |
650 East Kendall
Ironwood |
Drug Discovery Lab Phase I & II
Jnana Pharmaceuticals |
6 Tide Street
Johns Hopkins Hospital |
Wilmer Eye Institute
Johnson C. Smith University |
New Science Center
Kowa Company Ltd. |
Center for Interdisciplinary Cardovascular Science
Maryland Forensics |
Medical Center
Maryland State Highway |
Maryland DOT Testing Lab
Mass DOT |
Central Research and Materials Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Middlesex School |
Centennial Science Center
Momenta Pharmaceuticals |
5th Floor Build-Out
NC State University |
Plant Sciences Building
Northeastern University |
Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Complex
Old Dominion University |
New Chemistry Building
Mobile Chemistry Lab
Simmons University |
Lefavour Hall & MCB Renovation
St. John's Prep |
STEM Building
Suffolk University |
20 Somerset Street
Tufts University |
Science & Engineering Complex
UMass |
Dartmouth Research Facility
UMass Amherst |
Life Science Laboratories
UMass Amherst |
Physical Sciences Building
UMass Boston |
University Hall
UMass Lowell |
UMass Medical School |
Albert Sherman Center
UMass Medical School |
Biotech 5
UMass Memorial Clinton Hospital |
Emergency Department
University |
Brain and Cognitive Sciences Complex
University of Connecticut |
Engineering & Science Building
University of Hartford |
ISET Complex
University of Maryland |
Physical Science Complex
University of Maryland Baltimore |
Pharmacy Hall
University of Rhode Island |
Center for Chemical & Forensic Sciences
University of Rhode Island |
Life Science Building
University of South Carolina |
Horizon I
University of Vermont |
Firestone Medical Research Center
University of Vermont |
James M. Jeffords Hall
Vertex Pharmaceuticals |
Fan Pier
Virginia Tech |
Signature Engineering Building/ Goodwin Hall
Wentworth Institute of Technology |
Center for Engineering, Innovation and Sciences
Williams College |
Science Center North Building